
Data of the International Coffee Organization (ICO, in English) show that the world coffee consumption surpasses 150 million 60-kg bags a year and has been increasing at an annual rate of 2.5%. Brazil is the largest producer and occupies the second position as a consumer, after USA. According to Euromonitor Consultants, the demand of Brazilians in retail channels and Food Service was 20.5 million bags last year.

Brazilian consumption per capita, according to the Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Café

[Brazilian Coffee Industry Association] (Abic), is 6.12 kg of green coffee in beans – the equivalent of 4.9 kg of roasted and ground coffee or 81 liters of the drink.  A research by Euromonitor, commissioned by Abic, shows that in spite of the 2016 economic crisis,  coffee consumption continues high in over 50% of the homes covered by the survey. Below are the main topics of the survey:

  • Among consumers that will not be affected by the crisis, 58% will maintain their current consumption and brand;
  • Among consumers that may be affected by the crisis,, 41% will maintain their consumption, but may migrate to less expensive brands;
  • Although people believe that the crisis will not affect consumption, the younger consumers less than 30 years old may have their consumption affected. Those are the individuals that consume coffee preferably outside their homes;
  • The survey projects a consumption growth in volume to 24 million bags by 2019;  Consumers that are away from home are the ones that look for more quality coffees. The economic slowdown caused an impact in this consumption, which may recover in the second half of 2016;
  • Ground coffee and coffee capsules are consumption stars in homes;  ground coffee represents 81% of the total consumed volume and coffee capsules 0.6% in 2014, but it may double until 2019;
  • It is expected that the capsule market will increase three-fold in value until 2019,  reaching R$ 3.0 billion;
  • Consumers stated that they want practicality, quality and diversity in coffee, and the practicality of capsules have captured consumers, especially when preparing coffee in their homes;
  • 89% of senior consumers drink coffee every day;  the daily frequency among youngsters between 16 and 20 years old is 49%, and the general average is 3.7 cups a day.

Below is a list of the largest coffee consumer markets of the world, according to Euromonitor:

Coffee per capita consumption (2015)

Country Consumption (kg/year)
Finland 10,0
Sweden 8,0
Norway 6,8
Slovenia 6,3
The Netherlands 6,1